Å뿪ÀÚ Translator (Multiple Positions)
View : 35804
Updated: 05-13-2015
Netmarble US ³Ý¸¶ºí
Type of Business: Entertainment
Company Address: 300 Brannan Street, Ste 504 San Francisco CA 94107

Terms of employment

Annual Salary
Based on Experience
Type of Work
Full Time
Type of Job


Bachelor's Degree¡è
3Year ¡è
Bachelor's Degree, Bi-Lingual, Communication Skills, Computer Skills, Fluent in English, Fluent in Korean, Microsoft Office, Organized, Writing Skills
Closing Date
Until Filled
How to Apply
How to Apply: Email
Contact: HR Manager
Location: 300 Brannan Street, Ste 504 San Francisco CA 94107
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