People who come to the United States, regardless of their status, status, or race, all have one thing in common.

I made a big decision for a 'better future' and put it into action.

It takes great will to go to a familiar place, a familiar person, a strange land where nothing is certain instead of a familiar life.

The same goes for those who have decided to immigrate, and those who come to the United States to study or do business.

Some have settled down in the U.S. smoothly, but others have unstable status even after several years of coming to the U.S. for various reasons.

I've also been in the U.S. for a long time as a student, so I'm well aware of the difficulties when I can't resolve my status.

Where a child under the age of 21 does not have permanent residence

If you're married to a citizen or permanent resident and you don't have permanent residency

Please contact us to see if you are eligible to proceed with your permanent residency.

We will help your big determination come to fruition.

Our Hayunkane law firm does not use the usual method of simply processing documents and notifying customers.

Explain to the customer that the legal process is unfamiliar and difficult to understand, so the professional content is easy to understand. Also, if you have any questions about the case you are working on, you can always get a detailed answer.

Furthermore, legal information is frequently required even after the case is closed, so after acquiring permanent residency or trademark rights, we will also provide legal information necessary for each situation. The growth of Korean companies and the Korean community is our ultimate goal.

I promise to be a growing legal partner with you.

Ha Yoon Cain, lawyer